Browsing category: Quotes

49) Quote

Once in a lifetime a period comes when you can dictate your terms and make your own rules may be for doing good or bad but if you have not experienced such period yet then please believe in your own power of love and magic of dreams. Embrace even the tough times and failures but never leave the spirit, time never waits for anyone so just believe in your own power and do it as your best time period. Failure or Win but never leave a single chance to give your best shot.

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48) Quote

Every true fighter deserves to be in the ring; just one chance to show all courage and effort. Life is like a ring, we all need equal and fair chances. Whether win or loose but to experience and fight this makes a person worthwhile.

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46) Quote

LOVE is a pure and healthy feeling but if we put conditions and boundaries then it becomes toxic and creates insecurity. The more unconditional we remain the more compassionate we will be.

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44) Quote

Many times I judge life with immediate conclusions but I realized that life is very precious and much above than happiness, failures and rejections.

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43) Quote

The quality of life is not being measured by the quantum of success we personally achieve; But is being measured by how many other lives got impacted socially from our life.

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40) Quote

I may have hundred desires but some basic desires need to get addressed and fulfilled. Delay or denial can cause desperation but rather getting disturbed just be self-contained and detached.

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