There are many famous sayings related to TIME and want to quote few sayings.
- Time waits for no one.
- Time builds castles and time destroys them.
- Time is the best healer/medicine.
We can find so many proverbs or sayings about time but I always like and followed a traditional saying – ‘History repeats itself’.
But with this thought my mind dwells more into the purpose of the above mentioned saying, why history repeats itself. As a student of Jyotish my mind always gets boggled by the astonishing fact that there are patterns of events which we can analyze through time and transits of planets. So I decided to write my views and small study on ‘Astronomical Cycles’ which repeat after every certain period of time. Let us study and try to understand bigger mysterious cycles.
Reason to Write this Article
In 2015 I read some very old articles by eminent Indian Astrologers who analyzed few countries charts in the world based on long term duration like 80-90 Years. This idea fascinated me that longer cycles can be seen and analyzed in chart to project long term trend for a country or land. Then later I always used to think that Saturn & Jupiter are the highest mass planets which have longer revolutions, this idea made me think that both can set a long trend for a land. Such ideas made me start thinking about long cycles and since then it took very long time to understand a bit about astronomy and stars which are involved in these longer cycles. With the help of this article I will try to explain in simpler way, though all is given and explained in books, articles on internet but my viewpoint is to make it simple and apply it on mundane charts. It gives me a chance to study more about different subjects like Physics, Astronomy, Geography, and Geology with the help of study of Vedic Astrology.
Flow of Article
It is a long article so I divide into two parts.
Part I
- Speed of Planets
- Motions of Earth
- Long Cycles based on motions of Earth
Part II
- Concept of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction
- Formation of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction Cycles
- Application of long term cycles in Vedic Astrology
Part I
Speed of Planets
All the planets in the solar system revolved around the SUN as it is the central star, the speed and time of planets to complete one revolution around SUN as follows:
NASA’s website has in depth description of every planet and I gathered information from there to tabulate and interpret.
Speed | |||
Planets | Km/s | Miles/hour | Time Approx. |
Mercury | 47.87 | 107,082 | 87.97 Days |
Venus | 35.02 | 78,337 | 224.7 Days |
Earth | 29.78 | 66,615 | 365.25 Days |
Mars | 24.077 | 53,853 | 686.93 Days |
Jupiter | 13.07 | 29,236 | 11.86 Years |
Saturn | 9.69 | 21,675 | 29.42 Years |
In the 17th Century famous German astronomer and mathematician derived some useful formulas to measure the speed of planets. He gave one important equation for planetary motion – 2πR/T
Above equation is the way to find out ‘Orbital Velocity of Planet’ where ‘R’ is the average radius of the orbit and ‘T’ is the length of the year.
Orbital Velocity of Planet = Radius of Orbit Relative to Earth / Length of Year Relative to Earth’s Year
For Example Mercury: Radius is 0.387 and Length of Year is 0.2409
Formula: Orbital Velocity of Mercury = 0.387/0.2409 = 1.607
And if we multiply the orbital velocity with distance then we will get the speed of Mercury.
Mercury Speed – 1.60 * 67000 = 107.7 Thousands Miles/Hour, this is the same which is being depicted in the table above.
In this way we can find out the speed of all the planets. This helped to calculate the daily mean motion of the planets.
Daily Mean Motion of the planets calculated by Great Astrologer William Lilly as follows:
- Saturn – 2 minutes 1 second
- Jupiter – 4 minutes 52 seconds
- Mars – 37 minutes
- Sun – 59 minutes 8 seconds
- Venus – 59 minutes 8 seconds
- Mercury – 59 minutes 8 seconds
- Moon – 13 degrees, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
Do we know one fact that ‘Order of Week Days’ being derived from the speed of planets. This is why I put much emphasis to understand the interpretation of measuring the speed of planets.
Transit of planets is a very important phenomenon in the world of astrology to study and analyze the individual’s birth chart or any mundane chart of land but before that we should know the planetary motion of planets.
The time taken by planets to transit through a sign as follows:
- Sun – 30 Days
- Mars – 45 Days
- Venus – 27 Days
- Rahu/Ketu – 540 Days (1 and half Year)
- Moon – 2 and half days
- Mercury – 21 Days
- Jupiter – About 390 Days
- Saturn – About 900 Days
In Vedic astrology there are eight types of speeds of planets means motion. They are as follows:-
- Vakra (Faster Retrograde)
- Anuvakra (Slower Retrograde)
- Kutila (complicated and very slow retrograde, sometimes relapsing into non-retro)
- Mandatara (slowest forward motion)
- Manda (slow forward motion)
- Sama (normal forward motion)
- Sheeghra (fast forward)
- Sheeghratara (very fast forward)
Recently while writing this article the transit of MARS is happening through the sign of Pisces as per the sidereal zodiac. Then from 16th Aug 2020 MARS will transit through PISCES and due to retrograde motion back and forth it will be in PISCES and ARIES and this transit will be prolonged for more than 4 months approx 128 Days but usually MARS takes 45 days to transit from one sign, it means MARS will be following motion 3rd and 5th type from the above 8 different types of speeds.
This happens when planet travels very slowly due to force and gravity of other planets like a frozen motion. Retrograde motion happens when any planet comes to 180 degrees from the SUN.
Now we will study about EARTH because our Vedic astrology is studied from the GEOCENTRIC point of view because we see all the planets and stars from the EARTH.
Motions of Earth
When we see the whole sky from EARTH then actually we are having a geocentric vision to see other planets so it gets even more important to understand bit more about the motion of earth. In the above table we saw the speed of EARTH and time taken to complete one revolution around Sun. Is it the only motion Earth has? Answer is No because there are different types of motion of Earth and this is a very detailed topic in astronomy, being a finance student it is difficult to write in depth about motion but surely I will try to explain some definitive terms which are the fine tips related to the MOTION of EARTH.
Let us discuss and understand the types of motion of Earth –
1) First Motion – The speed of Earth is approximately 66,615 miles per hour and time taken to complete 1 revolution around Sun is 365.24 days approx. This motion is called ‘Revolution of Earth’. But as per our Gregorian calendar we consider only 365 days for convenience then extra 0.24 will get adjusted in this way –
Equation is 6 hours get extra every year so it makes 24 hours over the period of 4 years. As we all know the concept of LEAP YEAR occurs after every 4 years and in the month of February there is addition of 1 day – so exactly remaining 24 hours being considered as one day extra to be added to make a LEAP YEAR.

Revolution of EARTH
2) Second Motion – As we know Earth is tilted on its axis and this phenomenon is called ‘Axial Tilt’ of Earth which is around 23.5 degrees, it is also called the ‘Obliquity’. All other planets have their own ‘Axial Tilts’. The angle which gets formed due to the tilt from the Equator is –
90 Degrees – 23.5 Degrees = 66.5 (Angle of Inclination)

This axial tilt actually gives SEASONS on EARTH.

Let us imagine that is a vertical line on the middle of Earth which goes through the North Pole and South Pole, this imaginary line is called as AXIS. And again imagine a horizontal line at the centre of earth is called the EQUATOR which divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemisphere is considered to be the ORBIT of EARTH.
Due to gravity and pressure the EARTH is the widest at its equator. Earth spins on its axis and this spinning movement is called ‘Rotation of Earth’. Earth requires 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to make one complete rotation on its axis; it is actually length of a day. At the Equator, the Earth rotates with a speed of around 1700 kms per hour but at the same time EARTH revolves around the SUN at a speed of around 67000 miles per hour
Can we imagine why we don’t feel this rotational orbital speed of Earth? Answer is –The orbital speed of rotation of Earth and the speed of revolution of Earth around the Sun are both constant so we don’t feel any rotational speed. Moreover this speed of rotation is high at equator but at the North and South Pole this speed feels very negligible. If there is any increase or decrease in the speed of ‘Revolution’ and ‘Rotation’ of Earth then there will be an immediate rise in the sea level water but everything is balanced just because both motions of EARTH are constant.
3) Third Motion – Till now we understood the revolution and rotation of Earth but there is one more motion involved in determining the long cycles. We saw above there is an angle of 23.5 of axial tilt of Earth.
Do we know that this angle of 23.5 degrees also changes? The angle of the Earth’s axial tilt with the respect of orbital plane varies between 22.1 degrees and 24.5 degrees over a period of 41000 years.

(Source: Wikipedia)
This phenomenon is very important to understand in knowing an effect on seasons on Earth. Due to an elliptic orbit of Earth the length of all seasons are not equal, it is called ‘Orbital Eccentricity’. The speed of earth’s revolution also differs when it is close to the SUN, it happens because of an effect of elliptical orbital eccentricity. The speed is slower when Earth is at ‘Aphelion’ and faster when it is at ‘Perihelion’.
Perihelion – It is the point in the elliptical orbit where Earth is closest to SUN (around 3rd January).
Aphelion – It is the point in the elliptical orbit where Earth is farthest to SUN (around 4th July).
A very famous Serbian Mathematician and Astronomer ‘Milutin Milankovitch’ explained about long climatic cycles which are being called as ‘Milankovitch Cycles’.
He considered Rotational Axis of Earth, Orbital Eccentricity, Axial Tilt, and finally Precision of Equinox and then calculated some long cycles of seasons including ICE AGES on earth because when angle of obliquity changes then there will be drastic change in seasons also.
4) Fourth Motion – After having a brief understanding of above three motions now we try to observe fourth type of motion of Earth which is bit complex. As we know Earth is rotating on its axis but due to rotational speed the axis point wobbles and this wobbling also causing some movement which changes a fraction in the elliptical orbit of Earth.

The Earth is not a perfect sphere and it is wide at the centre, unequal distribution of mass causes the Earth to ‘Wobble’. When the Earth spins it creates a wobble in the motion which deviates from the point of South and North Poles. This small deviation is around ‘50 Arc Seconds’. Due to wobbling there is always a change noticed in the inner layers of Earth and atmospheric pressure.
Long Cycles based on Motions of Earth
Precision of Equinox
Above motion (fourth type) of Earth explains a very precise astronomical concept called ‘Precision of Equinox’. Let us understand how –
The ecliptic is a circle but how to determine the beginning or end of a circle, for that we need a reference point which we could take as starting point. Today’s era we take beginning point as 21st March Spring Equinox marked as zodiac sign Aries. The whole 360 degrees circle in this way divided into 30 degrees each per sign and in this way we have 12 zodiac signs. The position of Sun being noted during Spring Equinox in the sign of Aries and after completing all zodiac signs we check the same beginning point from where we started with Sun.
Due to the deviation of 50 Arc seconds the same starting point which we noted with Sun is slightly drifted, this deviation is piling up for many years and became total 1 degree deviation every 71.5 years.
Equation – 1 degree = 71.5 Years
For 30 degrees (1 Zodiac Sign) = 30*71.5 = 2145 Years
This means one zodiac sign is approx 2000-2200 Years, we get age of every zodiac sign and now at present we are in the Astronomical Age of Pisces and I am not sure of exact calculation but around 2060 AD we will begin the Astronomical Age of Aquarius.
The above zodiac belt describes as Tropical System which considers the movement of Sun in Aries at Spring Equinox but due to deviation the starting point shifts a bit then if we measure the movement of Sun as per the fixed stars (constellations) then we can come to the same exact point where Sun begins. This system is called Sidereal system of measuring zodiac.
Sidereal system takes into account Precision of Equinox and deducts the 23.5 degrees from the tropical position of planets to counter an effect of long deviation cycles.
We will make a one more try to understand Precision of Equinox with the help of diagrams.
We calculated above that 1 degree deviation happens in 71.5 Years so for whole 360 Degrees will be around 25800 to 26000 Years. This deviation can give different position of stars. To counter this effect in Vedic Astrology we deduct angle of obliquity means 23.5 degrees from the tropical degrees of planets. In the longer run of 26000 years there will be a change in the position of North Pole Stars also.

Now I hope it makes clear how a shift in zodiac sign over the longer period can change the measuring relative position of stars and North Pole stars also. This is the reason in Vedic Astrology we follow the Ayanamsha of 23.5 degrees now to counter this changing effect.
Above we talked about Astronomical Ages of zodiac which completes the whole circle; this can be depicted below as Big Giant Wheel of Time in Astronomy.

Many eminent astronomers in the world talked and researched about the Wheel of Time like Hipparchus, Ptolemy, Plato, Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Hindus, Mayans, even recent astronomers like Newton and Copernicus devoted their whole life in their research.
There are different names given to this ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK –
The whole one cycle takes 24000 years which is called a GREAT YEAR. This is divided in two halves – Ascending and Descending ages of 12000 years each then each half is further sub- divided into 4 cycles or ages.
- Ancient Greeks divided this Astronomical circle into 4 Ages – Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron.
- Ancient Sages in India divided this Astronomical circle into 4 Yugas – Satya, Treta, Dwapar and Kali.
The depiction of this wheel can be seen in many ancient architectural monuments like Pyramids of Egypt, Temples of Angkor in Cambodia, Ancient Temples in India. They all built these monuments to keep a watch on this giant astronomical clock and this proves our ancient people were much advanced than us in every way.
All these ages’ show and mark different types of changes in society and world, we can analyze every age by their name and meaning separately.
In this giant wheel of time we are at present in the Iron Age-Kali Yug which is the Dark Age for civilization and in this way the next time as per Precision of Equinox and Wobble effect the Vernal Equinox will be in the age of Aquarius approximately in 2060 AD that will again bring huge change in the society. But the shift of North Celestial Pole will happen after 12000-13000 years then the North Pole star will be VEGA.
Part II
Above part was more focused on the astronomical knowledge of the long cycles based on planet Earth and its motions. Now in this part we will study the long cycles of two big planets – Saturn and Jupiter and impact on planet Earth through the lens of Vedic Jyotish.
Let us start the second part also with a quote on time –
A Greek Mathematician and Astronomer wrote once about TIME
“Time is the wisest of all things that are, for it brings everything to light.”
Such a deep thought that with a period of time we learn everything about others and ourselves. In the same way Vedic Jyotish is called “Science of Light” and Sun is the ultimate source provider of light in our Solar System but among all the planets – Saturn and Jupiter being studied with utmost care to understand the impact of conjunction of these two planets and its angular distance between them, this can be studied by the formation of long cycles of these two planets.
Why Saturn-Jupiter?
There are 9 planets in our solar system but why I am considering Saturn-Jupiter for the long cycles, the reason is –
- In Vedic Jyotish the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not considered due to many reasons based on reach of Light of Sun and other astronomical reasons.
- Out of the remaining planets Saturn and Jupiter are having the highest mass and gravitational pull compared to other planets.
Concept of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction
First when we talk about conjunction then in astronomy we say when two astronomical objects appear to be very close to each other at the same ecliptic longitude having the same right ascension, as observed from the Earth then it is called Conjunction. There are different types of ‘Conjunctions’ in Astronomy and Vedic Jyotish but that is a separate topic to study.
There is a Greek term ‘Chronocrator’ which means ‘Time lord’. This term is being referred for Saturn and Jupiter as they are the ‘Markers of Time’ being having the longest orbits in the solar system. Both have the power to manifest the change on the Earth in the society and nature cycle. Saturn is the Contraction and Jupiter is an Expansion, Saturn denotes Time and Jupiter denotes Wisdom, with the combination of two there is a theme of sustenance/survival or change or formation of Civilizations and Climatic Cycles on Earth. This is the reason why both Saturn and Jupiter are called ‘Chronocrators – Markers of Time’.
Formation of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction Cycles
To study the formation of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction Cycles we will divide in to three types of cycles based on duration, they are –
- Short Term Cycles (20 Years)
- Medium Term Cycles (60 Years)
- Very Long Term Cycles (Approx 240-960 Years)
Now let us start with first type of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction Cycle i.e. Short Term Cycles.
Short Term Cycles (Approx 20 Years)
Why I wrote in brackets that approx 20 Years, for that we need to calculate and study the movement of Saturn and Jupiter across all zodiac signs.
In order to study the conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter we need 3 references –
- Type of Year and Zodiac (Tropical or Sidereal)
- Length of the Mean Periods of Saturn & Jupiter
- The Precise Time and Location of one mean Conjunction
By taking into consideration above 3 references we can formulate the figures with the help of Sidereal Years.
- Sidereal Year – 365.25 Days
- Sidereal Period of Saturn – 29.47 Sidereal Years
- Sidereal Period of Jupiter – 11.86 Sidereal Years
- Conjunctional Period – 19.84 Sidereal Years
- Conjunctional Distance – 120 Degrees and 242 Degrees
- Number of Conjunctions in each Triplicity – 11-12
The last two bullet points might be tough to interpret but will get clear as we study further; first of all as we know in a year we have 365 days and as per the speed of Saturn and Jupiter around the SUN we can calculate their meeting point. If we assume that 0 degree is the starting point then orbital period of Saturn 29.47 Years and Jupiter 11.86 Years so it means their speeds are different to have one revolution around the whole zodiac and reaching to the same point from where they have started. But after every 20 years approx (precise 19.84 Years) they meet at one point. We mark that point and keep observing their movement based on their speeds to calculate their next meeting point.
As we know the current conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter is going to happen on 21st December 2020 at 6 degrees in the sign of Capricorn. But before that they met each other exactly 20 years ago at 28 Degrees Aries in the sign of Aries.
Some dates of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions to understand –
21/12/2020 | 6 Capricorn | Uttara Ashadha |
28/05/2000 | 28 Aries | Krittika |
24/07/1981 | 11 Virgo | Hasta |
04/03/1981 | 14 Virgo | Hasta |
31/12/1980 | 15 Virgo | Hasta |
18/02/1961 | 1 Capricorn | Uttara Ashadha |
With the help of above table we can understand that every conjunction is occurring almost 9 signs away from its previous conjunction.
We see that as per their speeds Saturn and Jupiter have a conjunction after every 20 years which is to be studied very carefully to understand the change.
Medium Term Cycles (60 Years)
When Saturn and Jupiter completes their 3 cycles of 20 years then they meet at the same point where they started in a zodiac. If we refer the above table then we can see that current conjunction in Capricorn in 2020 and exactly 60 years ago they were together in the same Capricorn from they had started.
60 years can be understood in this way also –
If we take the lowest common multiple between the motion of Saturn and Jupiter (approx. 30 and 12 Years) and we get the result 60. These 60 years is called “Samvatsar” in Ancient Hindu Calendar. Every single year being given a specific name and meaning in this journey of Jupiter-Saturn 60 year cycle based on their angular distance from each other. When Saturn-Jupiter completes 60 years then also a significant change in the society occurs depends on the sign and element.
Very Long Term Cycles (Approx 240-960 Years)
This type of cycle is bit complex to understand but we will try to make it simple. As we know every sign in the zodiac represents an element.
- Fire Element – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
- Earth Element – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
- Air Element – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
- Water Element – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Every element is covering a trine in the zodiac means 3 signs are having same element. With this reference we will understand the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction also, as we had read above that every conjunction is happening almost 9 signs away from its previous so it is also following a pattern of trine and this trine also belong to same element.
During the middle ages the Danish astronomer ‘Tycho Brahe’ and German astronomer ‘Johanes Kepler’ studied these conjunctions and their meeting points very carefully to create an understanding of Saturn-Jupiter. The Saturn-Jupiter meets after every 20 years and they keep doing it at an advance rate of 242 degrees through the signs means each conjunction is 8 signs and 3 degrees apart to the previous conjunction. They will repeat in the same element for many cycles. But the problem in the pattern is distortion at the end of this repetition of signs by element. This distortion makes the cycles prolonged and whenever the series of conjunctions started in a new element it is called “Great Mutation” just like current conjunction of 2020 is called the Great Mutation means mutation refers to the change of element.
Johanes Kepler wrote a book called ‘De Stella Nova’ in which he mentioned the patterns of Saturn-Jupiter Conjunctions and Long Cycles published around 1606 in Prague.

(Source: ‘Kepler’s Trigon’ A Diagram of Great Conjunctions from the book of Kepler)
I studied the conjunctions from 860 AD till present 2020 to understand their movement and pattern. In simple words if first conjunction is happening in Aries then 2nd will be in Sagittarius and then 3rd will be in Leo thus will complete one fire trine or triplicity. Then 4th conjunction should have been in Aries but it gets progressed and will happen in Taurus, this phenomenon occurs after every 240 years when trine gets changed. Then 2nd trine of Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn will happen until it completes 4 trines.
Every Trine Changes after 240 years = 4 Trines * 240 Years i.e. 960 YEARS
This is called “Great Conjunction” after every approx 960 Years one cycle of ELEMENT completes.
Current conjunction in Earth element in Capricorn happens in 2020 so exactly 913 years ago in 1107 Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction happened at 5 degrees in Earth element in Capricorn occurred which marked a complete cycle of one element as Great Conjunction.
This way 960 Years for 1 element means 4 elements will be = 960*4 which is 3840 Years approximately.
This long duration of 240 Years is to study the big change in society’s social, cultural and economical status and 960 Years is to study the existence of long term trend. This is very helpful when we study the charts of nations.
Application of Long Term Cycles in Vedic Astrology
Now the real challenge is application of these long term cycles,
Can we utilize the information we discussed about Motions of Earth, Zodiac sign ages and Saturn-Jupiter cycles into individual charts?
Zodiac sign ages are showing very long period and now ‘Age of Aquarius’ is about to begin so we can make general assumptions based on Aquarius for the world. ‘Age of Pisces’ is full of religious influences and conflicts then spirituality emerged out of all, now in ‘Age of Aquarius’ intelligence will be highlighted more. We all individuals have maximum life span up to 80-90 Years so these cycles are far beyond our life. But when we talk about land, nation, civilization then these long cycles can tell exactly what could be the trend and underlying theme for the whole period.
For individuals we can look in which house ‘Capricorn’ sign is there and that area of life will be highly influenced for coming 20 years but careful deeper analysis is required not just general analysis.
Even if we think to apply Saturn-Jupiter on nation’s charts still how will we do it because we read that conjunctions are happening in trines based on elements that might again be just a general analysis. We just cannot talk always general, there has to be a concrete way to apply these conjunctions. There is a way to apply these long cycles which vary from 20-280 Years. Let us find out.
Number of Signs Covered in 1 Year –
- Saturn – 2/5th sign per year
- Jupiter – 1 sign per year
- Rahu & Ketu – 2/3rd sign per year
And we have long term conjunctions of
- Saturn-Jupiter – 20 Years
- Saturn-Rahu/Ketu – 11.25 Years
- Jupiter – Rahu/Ketu – 7.2 Years
If we combine Ketu’s movement with Saturn-Jupiter conjunction then we can come closer to have a specific way to analyze long cycle.
This particular combination happens approximately after every 280 years when Ketu in Pisces and Rahu in Virgo corresponding with Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in one sign. I figured out some dates happened –
- 24th February 1643
- 10th September 1921
- 31st October 2219
The difference between 1921 and 1643 is 278 Years means I checked Ketu was in Pisces on 24th Feb 1643 and then whole one round of Ketu completes across all zodiac signs it took 278 Years and on 1921 again Ketu came to Pisces but all this movement of 1 complete round has to correspond with Saturn-Jupiter conjunction.
Now we can apply the same method to analyze the long period from 1921 to 2219 where Ketu traversing from all sings coming back to Pisces and Rahu in Virgo in association with Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction. The whole period consists of 298 Years (1921 to 2219).
Let us understand one more time –
We are analyzing 298 Years long period for whole world and we can apply this long period of 298 Years on all charts of countries. For example – USA Chart and then prepare chart as on date 10th Sep 1921 and put the co-ordinates of capital of USA then extend the ‘Maha Dashas’ for 298 Years.
Here Vimshottari Maha Dasha means Planetary Periods of 298 Years we can apply on all the charts of countries. We took reference point of Ketu in Pisces and Rahu in Virgo from 1921 and until Ketu-Rahu will keep traversing across all signs and will come back to same reference point in 2219.
I tried this on some individual charts of countries but my view point is to make understand how to utilize these long cycles in real analysis in mundane astrology.
For all countries and world we are currently under MARS Maha Dasha (Planetary Period) which will approximately run up to 2038-2040 so for coming 20 years we can try to observe the changes in the charts of countries. In this way MARS major Planetary Period will get applied for all countries and to do this we need to analyze the original chart of country and co-relate with chart of 298 Years Time Period of same country.
Some observations are for coming 20 Years till 2040 –
After 2025 possibility of huge improvement in economic situation and might become the leader in ASIA region.
2) USA
Engage in conflicts and probable mistakes in economic policies which might cause huge downfall in economic status and currency.
Proactive involvement in warfare and result might be the division of country.
4) UK
The royal status of country might get affected severely and state of chaos among public or anarchy situation.
Common Observation for all countries
Due to the current conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter world will undergo huge change in terms of Capitalism, Currency and Digitalization, this effect may prevail for another 60-100 years then capitalism might falter.
The application part is still a topic of research and study because I put forward my views on it but all readers can try their own research on it. It might take some time to understand full article because of its concept of astronomical involvement in it. It also took 4 years to understand how these long cycles work and but challenge was to put in words in a simple way for readers. I hope I did well and you will like this article.
I don’t want to predict or state something, these are just some observations based on long term 298 Year chart. My main aim is to research more on long term cycles and their effect astronomically on our planet EARTH.
Sources of Article:
Books referred –
- The Holy Science – Swami Yukteshwar Giri
- Sapientia Astrologica by H Darrel Rutkin
- An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar
- Research on Pole Stars by Nilesh Oak in his book ‘When Mahabharat War Happen’