Daily Archives: July 15, 2012

Mayan Calendar

Many people predicted that World will come to an end by December 2012. But Did it Happen? Please stop worrying about such predictions. I want to throw some light on Vedic Astrology and particularly about Mayan Calendar. Will everything come to end so soon? Answer is absolutely NO. I have studied some articles and can state some excerpts from that; The most fearsome Date was 21st December 2012 and the movie called “2012” aggravated the fear among people.  People simply stated this

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Sanitary Conditions

Sanitary Awakening is must and in many parts of our country the conditions are worst. It is still a dream to see our INDIA as best in Health Care. But it is better late than never. We will see how the conditions are prevailing right now – The biggest problem is WATER; polluted water is the main reason of many diseases. Water related diseases are the most common cause of deaths. You all will be shocked to see the figure of deaths by polluted water – nearly 80%. Here is the list of the

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