Save Nature

I was reading the book on Hiroshima bombing which gave me goose bumps, horrific destruction wrecked many generations in Hiroshima city.

In 1941, during the World War II Japanese went on a sudden attack on Pearl Harbor in Arizona region and those bombings killed almost 5000 Americans. In the rage Americans took a brutal decision after 4 years in 1945 and dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This feeling of revenge ended the lives of 70000 people, the whole city destroyed by a “little boy” (nick name given to that bomb).

Picture of the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Picture of the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima


Destruction at Pearl Harbor

Destruction at Pearl Harbor


Why I mentioned these incidents—

If we will not respect “Nature” then she will also not respect “US”.

Even after the severe miseries many countries are involved in the race of becoming nuclear super power. Umpteen number of times the testing of Nuclear Bombs creating havoc on nature.



Although all the nuclear explosions carried out in desert lands and Sea, tens of thousands of kilometers away from populated areas but they have a direct effect on nature.

All the explosions destabilized the ‘tectonic plates’ which ultimately lead to a disaster. This imbalance in nature back fires the humanity in the form of Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunami Waves and Storms which are capable to disrupt the whole civilization in few hours.

In the recent past the events like Japanese Tsunami destruction, Iran-Turkey Earthquakes & Bangkok-Afghanistan floods, several Hurricanes-Typhoons in the Pacific Ocean and Hurricanes-Tornados are the signals of Violent Nature and a clear warning “Beware”.

Everyday nature is getting destructed by humans in some or the other way, this is a real threat for all of us so please what we can do is at least give respect to Nature.

  • Plant Trees
  • Avoid the use of polyethylene bags
  • Check the carbon emission from our vehicles

“If you want to learn about nature, to appreciate nature, it is necessary to understand the language that she speaks in.”



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